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Die Balkone Hamburg: Art and quarantine, HfBK responds

A project of the class of Sam Durant in and around HfBK, Hamburg and beyond.  Look for our interventions in the month of May, see below for a list of works and locations.  This exhibition is inspired by Die Balkone in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin which took place during Easter weekend (organized by Övül Ö. Durmusoglu and Joanna Warsza).

5. – 31. Mai





Sam Gora

Fragile/Handle with Care


→ verschiedene Orte in Uhlenhorst


Gesa Troch

Balance in the Unbalance

→ Garten Finkenau


Luísa Telles

The Doubting Thomas

→ Garten Lerchenfeld


Catalina Gonzalez


→ verschiedene Fenster


Algirdas Jakas 

Portrait of Malcolm X by an unknown artist

→ Ecke Lerchenfeld und Immenhof


Frederik Vium

Fertilisation of Heart Valour // four instructions

→ HfBK Vorhalle


Laura Mahnke & Ali Quaiesa 

20 Annual Grants

Drei gedruckte Poster, jeweils 59x84cm

→ Vitrinen Lerchenfeld


Asma Ben Slama 

Creeping Roots-Mind Talks 

Wachstum von Kartoffeln während der Quarantäne

→ HfBK Vorhalle 


Nikita Kotliar

Against the clock 

→ Fenster der HfBK-Galerie


Julia Romas


→ Vitrine Lerchenfeld





Christiany Erler

semi benevolent time frozen VR 

Video, 0:52

→ instagram @krika_rsbg und @hfbkhamburg


Yi-Jou Chuang

“Can you hear me?” “yes, we hear you."



Talya Feldman in Zusammenarbeit mit Zoe Aqua und Fenyvesi Attila

Together/Apart: In Memory of Potta Géza and Dzsuga Géza


→ Denver, USA




Die Ausstellung ist inspiriert von Die Balkone in Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin, am 12. und 13.04., organisiert von Övül Ö. Durmusoglu und Joanna Warsza.

© 2020 by Yijou Chuang. Proudly created with

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